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Emergency Contact Information
Please enter a valid phone number.

Membership Dues (per family)

Grand Total
  1. I understand that my child/children may participate in physical activities which have the risk of injury. I fully accept this risk and hold harmless from any legal liability, Grace Baptist Church and any persons involved in the AWANA Club ministry.
  2. In the event of a medical emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact me or my emergency contact. However, if I/we cannot be reached, I give my permission to the AWANA volunteers to secure the services of a licensed physician to provide the care necessary for my child's well-being. I assume responsibility for all costs connected to any accident or treatment of my child.
  3. I give permission for photo and video to be taken of my child to be used for church promotional purposes. No identifying information will be shared.
  4. I understand that my children must wear sneakers at all AWANA meetings and activities.
  5. I will follow the rules and regulations set out by Grace Baptist Church concerning all COVID-19 related issues. Furthermore, I agree to follow all safety and health checks required to participate in person, at Grace Baptist Church.

You must agree before you can submit your registration.